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Dispersed Source Emissions Survey

Without the right tools and technology, it can be difficult to identify the source of VOC (volatile organic compound) emissions on sites where there may be broad area origins of emissions. 

KLINGER Atmeco’s dispersed source emissions survey quantifies VOC emissions from broad area origins such as anaerobic reactors, sludge drying areas, waste treatment ponds and landfills.

Methane is the most common gas produced in these types of facilities, often accompanied by toxic, odorous gas that poses a health hazard to the surrounding community.  We survey any facility where biochemical and microbial actions are used to breakdown and degrade organic substances.

Dispersed Source Emissions Survey – key deliverables

Total mass rate emissions of VOCs including methane can be quantified with considerable accuracy. A common method of detecting hydrocarbon leaks is optical gas imaging; one of the non-contact leak sensing technologies we use in conjunction with remotely operated systems to detect and profile gas leaks.

With our rigorously designed survey methodologies and competently captured field data, projects are custom-designed to provide clients with full condition management and compliance to regulatory reporting.

Key deliverables include:

  • optical gas imaging video footage showing the exact location and relative intensity of methane emissions from all leak points
  • quantification of mass VOC emissions from dispersed or broad area sources
  • high definition images of any structural defects
  • thermal (radiometric) images of points of interest to determine thermal efficiencies
  • scaled plot plan to allow for repairs and effective follow-up (post repair) re-inspections
3D visualisation example

Tools and technology used for Dispersed Source Emissions Surveys:

Dispersed source emissions survey scaled plot plan