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Compressed Air Integrity Survey

KLINGER Atmeco offers a range of surveys to identify plant performance improvements.

Through evaluating and managing the integrity of components and equipment, energy losses can be achieved.  Compressed air integrity surveys by KLINGER Atmeco are applicable to a broad range of industries including processing and manufacturing plants. 

Compressed Air Integrity Survey methodology

The compressed air integrity survey identifies and quantifies air and energy loss from compressed air systems. Non-contact airborne ultrasonics technology is used to effectively detect air and/or inert gas emissions to atmosphere from the leak source.

Areas of air loss are identified, leak locations are marked and reported and air and energy losses are quantified to facilitate appropriate remedial action.  Once remediation of the identified leaks takes place, significant energy savings can be achieved.

Compressed air emissions survey conducted

Applications of Compressed Air Integrity Survey

This type of survey can also be performed to detect any non-hydrocarbon gas such as refridgerants or inert gas including nitrogen, helium and argon.

Similar methodology is used to detect pin hole leaks in heat exchangers or to check for leaks during equipment testing or plant start-ups, prior to hydrocarbon being introduced. Valves, pipelines, instrument fittings and joints are potential leak sources that can be tested.